lundi 20 mai 2013

Dornier Do J Wal de 1925 (5)

Voici donc le fameux Dornier Wal ici aux couleurs de l'expédition polaire de Roald Amundsen avec ses équipements optiques et l'anémomètre en standard
Restera encore un peu de travail en texturage (peut-être ajouter les rivets) et sûrement des corrections à apporter au modèle

3 commentaires:

  1. Hello. Forgive me for using english, since I am not good in french.

    I am very much interested in the "Dornier Do J Wal" model pictured here. What is the scale of it? And is it available, either here or anywhere else known? The reason for my interest is that this one seems to be the exact same type of the "Do J Wal", reg. I-DEOR, That Antonio Locatelli used for his transatlantic venture in 1924, i.e. with the same rudder, engine types/cowlings, wingtips etc. but I have not been able to find that elsewhere.

    I would appreciate all available information on the subject.
    Regards from Iceland,
    T. A. Johannsson

    1. Hello T.A., thanks for your interest but it is a 3d model, not a real one ;))

  2. Oh, ok, thanks anyway :)
